Case Support in Plays (BETA)

It is essential that reps can enroll the records they need to work from the CRM into Plays. Playbooks recently started supporting the ability to enroll opportunities and accounts directly into Plays. With this update, reps can now enroll cases from Salesforce into Playbooks Plays. All functionality that is supported on other objects is now available for Cases, including:

  • List View Imports
  • Robots
  • Custom Sorts

How to Use Cases
Cases can be used just like any other supported object in Playbooks. Some examples of use are automatically enrolling a case into a Play for an account manager if the case has been opened too long in support. Alternatively, it may be used in organizations where they use cases to track follow-ups.

To have cases enabled for your account, please contact your XANT Account Manager.

View Due Later Tasks

Playbooks supports the ability to have multiple tasks due on a single record within a single day. For example, make a call, and then send an email a few hours later. Prior to this update, reps could not easily see and find tasks in Playbooks that were due later in the day, but not due at the very moment. With this update, reps can now view tasks that are not yet due and can optionally choose to complete them early.

There are two ways to view tasks that are not yet due today:

  1. When a rep completes all of their currently due tasks, and there are tasks due later today, the rep is now told and can optionally choose to view the tasks.
  2. A rep can go to the sort & filter menu from their task list and select “Due Later”

Other Product Improvements

  • Managers can now configure inbound rep queues to immediately fail the call over if no reps are available for inbound. The new setting for this functionality can be found while editing a rep queue.
  • The step in List View Import that checks for phone number and email addresses was removed. This was done to make importing records into Playbooks easier and take less time.
  • Various minor UI updates have been made to more closely align Playbooks to the XANT brand.
  • Numerous issues have been addressed with the Robots automation feature.